Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5
Lesson 1
Theme: The different duty shifts on a hospital ward
Three nurses introduce themselves and talk about the different duty shifts on a hospital ward: morning shift, day shift and night shift.
In this lesson you will learn:
- how to present yourself
- about the duty shifts on a hospital ward
- verb conjugation
- to take simple dictation
- to understand simple personal presentations
- to be able to present yourself
- to understand longer presentations with job-related content
- to build up a vocabulary related to working in a hospital
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Lesson 2
Theme: Parts of the body
Here is an overview of the different parts of the body.
Theme: Changing shirts
A nurse changes a shirt for a patient who is sweaty and hot and who has a temperature.
In this lesson you will learn:
- terms for parts of the body
- to talk to a patient
- declining of nouns
- to take simple dictation
- to know the terms for parts of the body
- to understand a conversation between nurse and patient
- to understand how to hold a conversation with a patient
- to build up a vocabulary related to talking to a patient (changing a shirt)
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Lesson 3
Theme: Starting in a new workplace
This text deals with the different procedures that are normal when starting in a new workplace.
Theme: Presentation of a ward
Nurse Siren Eriksen explains how a ward is usually organised.
In this lesson you will learn:
- a little about starting in a new workplace
- about a hospital ward
- about weekdays and weekends
- about declining adjectives
- about subordinate clauses with som and hvor
- how to ask questions
- to take simple dictation
- to understand information relating to starting in a new workplace
- to understand information about hospital wards
- to be able to understand and to ask different kinds of questions
- to build up a vocabulary related to working in a hospital
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Lesson 4
Theme: Treating burns
Nurse Mette Grimeland treats Lise’s burn wound. She removes the old dressing and cleans the burn wound. Then she applies new and better compresses and explains to Lise how she should continue to treat the wound. ¨
In this lesson you will learn:
- about treating burn wounds
- about subordinate clauses
- about sentence structure
- to take simple dictation
- to be able to talk to a patient who is in pain because of a wound
- to be able to understand and to use different kinds of
- subordinate clauses
- to build up a vocabulary related to treating wounds
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Lesson 5
Theme: Hygiene
This text deals with hygiene in relation to patients and hospital staff.
Theme: Taking temperatures
This text deals with different ways of taking a temperature.
In this lesson you will learn:
- a little about hygiene
- about taking temperatures
- about modal verbs
- about the passive
- to take simple dictation
- to understand information on hygiene
- to understand information on taking temperatures
- to build up a vocabulary related to hygiene
- to build up a vocabulary related to temperature
- to be able to understand and to use modal verbs
- to be able to understand and to use simple expressions in the passive voice
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