Tibet - Norway Research Program 2012-14:

Call for applications to Supportive Measures Projects 2013-14


Supportive Measures 2013-14 (SM 2013-14) is an integral part of the Research Program for 2012-14 of the Network for University Cooperation Tibet-Norway. We invite coordinators of current research projects and former projects (2007-11) as well as supervisors to Tibetan PhD candidates with Network scholarship (2012-15/13-16) to apply for support to capacity building of Tibetan academics in general and to dissemination of research results in particular. We also invite current and former Tibetan Network-students (MA and PhD-graduates) to apply for conference participation.

All SM projects must be institutionally embedded in the partner institutions in Norway and Tibet. Furthermore, the projects should be of relevance to and contribute to reaching the aim of the applicants' originally Network-funded projects.

Eligible SM project activities are publication and dissemination of research results, education and training of partner institution staff, guest research visits to Norway in connection with bilateral project cooperation, seminars and conference participation, invitation of international experts to project workshops/seminars/conferences outside Tibet Autonomous Region, and one-year pilot projects to explore possibilities and establish partnerships (only one eligible activity for PhD supervisors).

A total of approximately NOK 1.200.000 is available for allocation in 2013. NOK 250.000 of the available funds are earmarked support to conference participation for a maximum of ten qualified Tibetan Network-students.The period of project implementation is 2013-14 and the project must be finalised by the end of 2014.

Please read the Guidelines for applicants to SM 2013-14 for more information about eligible applicants, eligible activities, application procedures as well as submission and selection procedures.

Applications should be sent to the Network Secretariat by e-mail to Please use:

Application form for Supportive Measures
Budget template

Link to online application form for former and current Tibetan Network-students (to copy and paste in the browser):


Network Research Guidelines 2011-14

Contact information:

Network for University Co-operation Tibet – Norway

Tel: +47 22 85 46 25/ Fax: +47 22 85 4094

Postal Address: IKOS, P.O.Box 1010 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway.

Visiting addr.: P.A.Munchs hus, rom 445, Niels Henrik Abels vei 36, 0371 Oslo