Articles of Association

§1 Name
§2 Status
§3 Objectives
§4 The Network's structure
§5 The Board's tasks and responsibilities
§6 The appointment of the board and its composition
§7 The Chair
§8 Working Group
§9 Finances
§10 Change of the Network’s articles of association
§11 Discontinuation or change in the participation of cooperation

§1 Name

Network for University Co-operation Tibet-Norway (Network).

§2 Status

The Network for University Co-operation Tibet-Norway is a result of a cooperation agreement, dated October 14th 1994, between Tibet University, Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, the University of Oslo, the University of Bergen, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the University of Tromsø."

§3 Objectives

The Network shall have as its main objective to;
- lead to new insight into the environment, culture and society of Tibet;
- enhance institution and competence building for Tibetan researchers and students;
- contribute to the exchange of Tibetan and Norwegian students and researchers;
- primarily involve Tibetan and Norwegian collaborative partners, since the Network is based on a bilateral cooperation agreement between these;
- carry out university level research and education.

§4 The Network's structure

The Network's structure shall have a board and a secretariat. The Network's board determines the host institution of the secretariat and signs a seperat agreement with it. The Board shall appoint a working group and can appoint other groups according to needs (see §8).

§5 The Board's tasks and responsibilities

The board deals with all issues of general or fundamental importance for the Network's activities.
The board determines which areas of research and education projects shall be persued.
The board represents the Network with regard to financial and management issues.
The board is responsible for ensuring that the use of funds is kept within the budgetary framework.
The board decides proposals for yearly plans and budgets.
The board publishes the annual report and accounts before the end of February.
The board elects a chair and a deputy chair.
The board shall have meetings at least twice a year, and a quorum is continued when at least five members are present.
An extraordinary board meeting can be called at the request of the chair or at least three board members.

§6 The appointment of the board and its composition

The Network shall have eight members with personal substitutes, all appointed for three years, and the composition should be as follows:
The universities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø each appoint a researcher and a substitute. In addition, the University of Bergen and the University of Oslo appoint a member and a deputy from the administration.
The board requests one relevant research institution external to the university system to appoint a representative/ substitute representatives.
The Rector/Highest leader of the organisation makes the formal appointment.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs appoints one representative/substitute representative.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs appoints one non-voting representative/ substitute representative.

§7 The Chair

The Norwegian network universities appoint candidates to the chair and deputy chair among the appointed members.
The chair and deputy chair are elected by the board for a period of three years, with the possibility for extension.
The chair should preferably have scientific competence within central areas of the Network’s activities.
The chair holds the administrative responsibility of the Network.
The chair has the particular responsibility of maintaining contact with the researchers at Norwegian universities and the network in Lhasa, as well as internationally.
The chair represents the Network vis-à-vis governments and partner institutions within and outside Norway.
The chair shall make proposals for a yearly plan and a budget, and is responsible for ensuring that the activities are within the budget.
The board decides the chair’s remuneration.
The chair has the power of attorney to grant funds up to NOK 15.000 as long as there is sufficient funds in the budget to cover it.
In the event of an equality of votes the chair uses his casting vote.

§8 Working Committee

The board elects a working group consisting of four members from the board. The chair is the leader of the working group.
The working group addresses and makes decisions in daily issues that do not need to be addressed by the board and that do not fall under the responsibility of the secretariat to handle alone (see §5). In the cases where the working group addresses issues that fall within the board’s area of responsibility, the work done by the working group is considered to be of preparatory nature. The working group’s appointed time follows that of the board.

§9 Finances

The board manages the funds granted to the Network. The cooperating universities provide financial support for the Network, based on a special agreement.

§10 Change of the Network’s articles of association

These articles of association were adopted by the board on October 20th 2006. The articles shall be presented to the leadership of the represented universities for comments, and will be implemented when they are passed by the universities. The articles can only be changed by the board with a 2/3 majority.

§11 Discontinuation or change in the participation of cooperation

The four Norwegian universities are committed to take part in the cooperation until the contemporary agreement runs out. If any institution should wish to withdraw from the cooperation, a one-year advance notice must be given. If this raises the question of discontinuity of the Network, the case must be submitted to the board and the other participants for processing.